With all the hoop-la over the steroid usage, primarily in Major League Baseball, but as well in other professional and amature sports, I recently heard on the radio that Ipods are now on the list of banned "stuff" for marathon runners. Thats right, Ipods. Apparently, you can run faster when listening to your favourite music. What is this world coming to?
Roger Clemens was listed on the Mitchell report as a player who has used HGH during his Major League Baseball career. The greatest pitcher of my time, and arguably one of the greatest pitchers of all times is being slandered in the media all over the place. Who is this Brian McNamee guy anyways? Oh, I am glad you asked. He got caught using a date rape drug on a girl (Link is here: http://grg51.typepad.com/steroid_nation/2007/12/brian-mcnamee-r.html) He also bought/sold/pumped ilegal steroids to/into MLB players? Hmm, strange, all four of those thing are either ilegal or imoral. So why all of a sudden do we trust this guy? We trust this guy so much that we are going to just let him ruin the career of Rocket Roger Clemens. I could understand if Clemens was like Bonds and had his name all over the place in this, but he hasn't, not one mention for Roger's name anywhere until this report was made. This George Mitchell report isn't even worth the paper its writting on. This is all a joke and a mockery of Major League Baseball. Roger gets my vote for the Hall Of Fame, its very unfortunate that there is a tarnish on Rocket's career.